Vazhaipoo Puttu | Banana flower puttu

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Banana flower or Banana blossom has lot of medicinal properties and is packed with nutrients. My grand mother used to say that it is very good for the female reproductive system. Although the banana flower has an astringent taste (thuvarpu in tamil), it becomes delicious after my mom cooks it. I have also eaten the banana blossom’s heart, raw (a few times).

Before starting to cook it, first generously apply any cooking oil to your hands. This is because the sticky sap stains your hands. Then remove each petal from the banana blossom and collect the yellow florets and keep them aside. After that, remove the pistil and the transparent covering like thing (also called calyx) for every floret.

Continue this process, until when you cannot remove any more petals from it. The last, small leftover portion is called the banana blossom’s heart, which can be consumed. All the petals should be discarded.

Now, chop the yellow florets and the banana blossom heart and keep it ready for the recipe below.


  1. Roasted channa dhal – 1/4 cup
  2. Fennel seeds – 2 teaspoons
  3. Cloves – 2
  4. Vegetable Oil – 2 teaspoons
  5. Mustard seeds – 1 teaspoon
  6. Urad dhal – 1 teaspoon
  7. Garlic – 4 (roughly chopped)
  8. Curry leaves – few sprigs
  9. Coriander leaves – few sprigs
  10. Onion – 1/4 cup (finely chopped)
  11. Green chilli – 1 (big)
  12. Turmeric powder – 1/2 teaspoon
  13. Banana florets + heart – 1 cup (finely chopped)
  14. Salt – as required


  1. First take the roasted channa dhal, fennel seeds, cloves in a blender and blend it into a fine powder consistency.

2. Next, heat a pan, add oil and mustard seeds. After the mustard splutters, add the urad dhal, garlic, curry leaves, onion, green chilli and saute until onion becomes translucent.

3. Next, add the chopped banana florets + heart along with turmeric powder. Then, sprinkle some water, cover it and cook for 5 to 7 minutes under medium flame.

4. After it is cooked and the water has evaporated, add 3 tablespoons of the roasted channa dhal powder that we made in the first step. Saute for few more minutes and then switch off.

5. It might look clumsy, but tastes really good. Finally garnish with coriander leaves. Kids will definitely eat them, no doubt.

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